Up here we basically have fun 24/7 and that's because there is no 24/7. Eat, sleep, play is whenever we want it to be. Fred is always finding new trips to take. Maybe he was an explorer or something, I don't know. It's wonderful the places we get to go to. As I've said we all go together, all the time. It makes things so much better to have such a close group. I'm learning more and more about all of the group each day, especially on the train rides. Tiger is a blast, he and Celie seem to be very close. Tiger just loves to play, and tease the cats. Gotta love that, you know? It's all done in fun, no worries...this is Heaven remember? Tiger and Lady are as tight as can be. They grew up together and had wonderful stories of their lives. Seems Lady has that same free spirit I've been known to have. They even knew Oscar. Somehow Oscar and Minnie seem to be linked to nearly everybody here. Mickey and I rode together today. You can't imagine how cool he is. I think he's everybody's favorite. He's the glue that keeps all of us buddies. He just seems to love everyone the same. We were trying to guess where Fred was headed but, as always, we were wrong. Fred just knows too much! He loves the trains, he loves the train whistle. He's got a deal with the conductor and everytime we're on a ride up here the train behind Mom & Dad's house whistle blows...just so they know we're on the road again! I'm not sure if they know that's why the whistle blows but hopefully they've figured it out by now. The people we met today were a ton of fun. They really love Fred, so they love us. We had a ton of good food. Did you know there is no bad food here? Amazing. You get all you want, when you want. Now...back to my plot...
George is fast becoming my closest buddy at home. He's even trying the dog food...not that I am in favor of sharing with him and Celie. But I'm trying to be friendly. George even cheers me on when I'm in the yard or when I go for walks. Nice guy. I asked him about getting a map for the beach of Dad's. He told me that when he was coming here they were on that big road and he did see signs that said Beach Cities. He said I should just keep following the signs, obvious clue huh? I did have to admit to not knowing how to read. (do ALL cats have this superior knowledge or just this crew???). He told me what to look at on the sign and then to just look for that exact same thing on any other signs and I would easily make it to Dad's long beach. I must get some sleep as tomorrow I will surprise him. This will be great.
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