I think I may have gotten ahead of myself. My Mom kisses me. Kisses...do you know what they are? You probably do, I did not. The first time she went to kiss me I was scared. I'd seen her give hugs and kisses to all the others and then it was my turn. What is a kiss for? Mom always says I love you and gives each of us a kiss. It really is sort of cool, even though I tried to pretend it was no big deal. Everyday, every time she gives one a pet or hug, we all get one. It's actually a miracle she gets anything done. I had never seen kisses, and WhiteGold never mentioned them to me. The word love, well can you try to imagine what that sounds like from a Mom? It's enough to melt a tough guy like me! Can you imagine what the gang boys would say if they saw me turning into a kissyfaced pup? Yea me. Dad kind of wondered if I was going to turn soft. Sooooo.....I
felt it my duty to show him how tough I could be. I sort of stepped up our walks. Some might say I nearly dragged him up the streets! He was strong though, he managed to keep up. We sort of
looked like we were practicing for those dog races in Alaska (yes, I do watch the Animal Channel, thank you very much!). I don't know that I could have handled the snow though. I don't even
know what snow is all about. I do know I don't like rain so seems snow would be the same...wet, cold feet. The only nice part of the rain is coming back in. Mom is right there with towels to dry me off. I am convinced I've got her wrapped...but then I heard Winnie say to George it's to keep me from getting the whole house wet and muddy. I like my version better. She doesn't go out so how could she know? There's a rule in the house...the one very strict rule. Cats do not go out. The cats say it's 'cause they're so cool and precious to Mom and Dad. I think it's 'cause Mom and Dad don't want to climb trees to get them back in. Celie would rather not go out much either. She really is turning into a cat. I think I'll try to get one of the cats to become a Dog...that'll shake things up a bit! But, back to me and my Dad and our walks. He loves to take me for these walks. I think it's his gym time. Sometimes we run all the way up the hill. I like to run. I'm very good at it actually. I do wish Dad would let me off the leash but he must want the upper body exercise that the pull gives him. I spend alot of time with Dad in the yard too. He seems to enjoy the flowers and bushes. He very kindly trims the bushes so that I can keep an eye out for any stray enemies that I'm supposed to guard against. I've asked Celie repeatedly what we should be on guard for but she never tells me. She just laughs and says not her problem-o now that I'm here. Girls. Between her and Winnie I don't get much clear intel. Dad still hasn't invited me to his beach. I'm sure it would be fun to go there. I like going in cars. I am a quick study, I bet I could find my way there if he'd take me just once. Now that's an idea. I must get a map. Maybe I could get there and surprise him? I'll ask George for some advice.
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