Cats are not dogs. I know, you all know that already. But did you realize that there is much discrimination between the 2? Did you know that cats always, always get the preferential treatment. It's wrong,I tell you, it needs be dealt with. How can I back up these remarks you say? OK, let's begin with food. They get these very cute, tiny cans with all sorts of flavors. They can choose from salmon, tuna, trout, turkey, chicken...the list goes on and on. Dogs...we get canned something. Same taste no matter what the name on the ugly, bulky can. Dry foods, same results. On top of all that, they get to eat their food on a lovely placemat, in very cute bowls I might add, and those food bowls are on top of a counter. Celie and I, well we get to eat from our ugly bowls on the floor. It's not right I tell you. We may as well get crumbs off the floor...nasty.
Then there's the fact that cats can cheat and snack on our food (I'm talking to you George!). They come and drink our water. There's no way we can get on the counters to taste test their food.
I think there should be equal rights for both of us. But beyond food there's the other, bigger issue. When a cat goes potty, they have indoor facilities. Celie and I, we go out. Does nobody care that it's pouring rain out there, that there are strong winds out there, that there may be extreme heat out there? Noooo, they don't care. Little kitties get their stuff cleaned up asap and go on their merry way. It's not right, it really isn't. Now, on top of all these there is the lap issue. That's more or less real prejudice rearing it's ugly head. Celie, as a 12lb. furball gets to do laptime whenever she wants. ME? Nope, I get to watch. And there's alot to watch, it's an endless parade to Mom's lap. They take numbers in the morning to schedule the times. Even with that they lay next to her, over her, whatever they want is ok. If I were to lay on her head, gee, how well would that go over huh? It's just wrong. I wanted to file a protest with authorities but not knowing how to read left me limited and George certainly was not going to assist me on this. Maybe I should make him an honorary dog...then he'd help wouldn't he? Hmmm. Dog training George. I'll have to see if CelieNudge will help with this plan.
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