Up here we just have all the time in the world (well Heaven, but you get my jist). Fred has us visiting family and friends all the time. He has so many of them too. Everybody loves us, but that's no surprise. Minnie and Winnie have been hanging together alot which is neat. Of course Mickey is with them at all times. Mickey is just so cool. Celie and Queenie are like the bobbsy twins...if you see one, you see the other. As for me, well I am drawn to both Lady and Smokey. I find myself always wondering about my folks. I listen to all the others as they tell stories of their lives with Mom and Dad. Bubba had the most time with them, other than me. Of the dogs that is. Winpoo had 19 years with them so she really has some tales to tell. It's funny that on earth Winnie had no voice and now up here she's a real babbler. Her stories are pretty funny too. Bubba had a good one. He who is (not) perfect was always allowed out without a leash. One Christmas morning he went out and there was a really big white dog at the front door. He chased her all the way down the hill....and then, she chased him all the way back so fast that he ran straight inside and nearly shut the door himself! He said he then and there learned that just because he was a friendly sort didn't mean all dogs were! He said Mom and Dad stood on their stoop and laughed and laughed for the longest time....and never did see that dog again. Maybe she was a Christmas mirage? Another time Bubba and Minmouse were laughing at the time on
Christmas they chased the train around the tree. Seems Minnie thought she could ride on it and nearly knocked it over. They always played together, it seems. They were the only 2 pets for the longest time so they played alot. At night, when the lights went off they'd have a chase game and he'd carry her around with her head in his mouth...can you imagine if I had tried that with Winnie or Mickey or even George? OMG...they'd have me tossed out, I am sure of it. Well, maybe George would play along. It was cool to hear their stories, I want very much to know all about them and their time with my Mom and Dad. Sharing is hard for me...but Fred says I don't have to worry, there is enough love for all of us. I sure hope so. Fred is in most of Oscar's stories. Oscar took over Fred's world and they were tighter than tight. Fred said that until Oscie came along he never ever wanted anything to do with a dog. HUH? Fred? Mr. Love all Dogs Fred? Wow. But he says it's true. Oscar took to Fred and never gave up. When Fred got sick Oscar sat at his door guarding him so he could rest. I could have done that. I'm a good guard dog. Oscar became as attached to Fred as anything. But as Oscar says, Mom was always his Mom. Mom was his first person and so before Oscar left to come up here, he came back to live with Mom. My Mom is his Mom too...so I guess we're all related? There are so many stories
to hear and I'm happy to listen to them. But right now I'm off as Fred has a surprise trip for us tonight. He says we'll take the train and have a feast, so what else is new!!!
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