Friday, December 30, 2011

George, George, George...Better Him than Me!

Back to the Madness. I feel so much better knowing why this stuff is everywhere. With each day (and my anxiety gone) I can honestly say I'm starting to enjoy the decorations. There are lights everywhere, inside and out. I like them. All the colors make you feel all warm and happy. I would have thought the cats would climb the trees but they don't. They sometimes sit under one of them but mostly we all just gather around and look at the lights together. I have almost gotten used to napping on one of the Santa rugs. I occasionally do bring one or 2 (or 10) of the stuffed animals down from the tub. Why not, they should see it all right? My biggest adjustments are the moving Looney Tunes guys and the moving elves. I sometimes dream they'll attack me as I sleep. Maybe we can lock the doors to the rooms they're in? The big party is coming soon. How can you tell, you ask? Well, the enormous amount of food and beverages being brought in. That and there is an overkill on the cleaning by Mom lately. Every nook and cranie is being cleaned, by golly you could eat off the floor...oh wait, I DO eat off the floor. Anyhow, once the party cooking gets rolling I will have myself in perfect position for taste testing. Somebody has to do it, so why not me. George was telling me about his last Christmas here. He made a name for himself it seems. The folks had just finished putting up a gazillion ornaments on their 16 foot tree. Then....then...crash, boom, bang. George. George had climbed inside and managed to totally destroy the whole thing. WOW...he lives to tell about this? He said he was so scared both during and after the crash. He expected a yelling or a beating or something. Mom just cried and cried. Dad had to do the cleanup of the tons of broken ornaments. Mom didn't move for hours. I am beyond grateful that it was George and not me, whew. Then again, I am a dog and dogs do not climb trees. He said it was really bad but more than shocking when days later they put up yet another 16 foot tree. Do they grow these things somewhere? I never saw plastic trees in all my outside adventures. There must be a fake tree lot I guess. So, that was the first and last tree climbing done by any cats. Soon this insanity will end...I hope!

Bits And Pieces From Heaven

Up here we just have all the time in the world (well Heaven, but you get my jist). Fred has us visiting family and friends all the time. He has so many of them too. Everybody loves us, but that's no surprise. Minnie and Winnie have been hanging together alot which is neat. Of course Mickey is with them at all times. Mickey is just so cool. Celie and Queenie are like the bobbsy twins...if you see one, you see the other. As for me, well I am drawn to both Lady and Smokey. I find myself always wondering about my folks. I listen to all the others as they tell stories of their lives with Mom and Dad. Bubba had the most time with them, other than me. Of the dogs that is. Winpoo had 19 years with them so she really has some tales to tell. It's funny that on earth Winnie had no voice and now up here she's a real babbler. Her stories are pretty funny too. Bubba had a good one. He who is (not) perfect was always allowed out without a leash. One Christmas morning he went out and there was a really big white dog at the front door. He chased her all the way down the hill....and then, she chased him all the way back so fast that he ran straight inside and nearly shut the door himself! He said he then and there learned that just because he was a friendly sort didn't mean all dogs were! He said Mom and Dad stood on their stoop and laughed and laughed for the longest time....and never did see that dog again. Maybe she was a Christmas mirage? Another time Bubba and Minmouse were laughing at the time on
Christmas they chased the train around the tree. Seems Minnie thought she could ride on it and nearly knocked it over. They always played together, it seems. They were the only 2 pets for the longest time so they played alot. At night, when the lights went off they'd have a chase game and he'd carry her around with her head in his mouth...can you imagine if I had tried that with Winnie or Mickey or even George? OMG...they'd have me tossed out, I am sure of it. Well, maybe George would play along. It was cool to hear their stories, I want very much to know all about them and their time with my Mom and Dad. Sharing is hard for me...but Fred says I don't have to worry, there is enough love for all of us. I sure hope so. Fred is in most of Oscar's stories. Oscar took over Fred's world and they were tighter than tight. Fred said that until Oscie came along he never ever wanted anything to do with a dog. HUH? Fred? Mr. Love all Dogs Fred? Wow. But he says it's true. Oscar took to Fred and never gave up. When Fred got sick Oscar sat at his door guarding him so he could rest. I could have done that. I'm a good guard dog. Oscar became as attached to Fred as anything. But as Oscar says, Mom was always his Mom. Mom was his first person and so before Oscar left to come up here, he came back to live with Mom. My Mom is his Mom I guess we're all related? There are so many stories
to hear and I'm happy to listen to them. But right now I'm off as Fred has a surprise trip for us tonight. He says we'll take the train and have a feast, so what else is new!!!

There's a Jolly Old Fat Guy...HUH?

Well the trees are still here. So is all the stuff. I do mean ALL the stuff. Do you know they even took my clock away? It's the clock I learned to tell time by, I love my clock. But now I look and
there instead of my clock is a jolly old fat man with a snowy white beard. Who the heck is he?
There are lots of pictures of this clown. I went to the family room to take a nap and lo and behold my rug now has a jolly old fat man with a snowy white beard too. I can't sleep looking at this.
He's taking over. Maybe it's a cult? I've heard of them on tv. Fat bearded guy, elves, trees, I really have to wonder what's taken hold of my people. Finally I got Winnie and crew to talk to me. They seem so calm about all this. I've always been thought of as a tough guy, but the truth is I do have anxiety issues. I don't like Mom leaving me and I sure don't like all this upheaval.
I'm starting to chew myself, pace in circles, all classic signs of anxiety disorder (I watch alot of tv). So I need answers....quick. Winnie finally stopped giggling and told me about my folks. It seems they go all out (no shock Sherlock!) on decorating for Christmas. Oh, ok...what does that mean? So she explained that there's a holiday that the whole world celebrates and it's called Christmas. The jolly old fat guy with the snowy white beard is called Santa Claus. He's the symbol of Christmas for children. Again, OK...what children? Winnie said that Mom and Dad and all adults are children at heart and that at Christmastime they get to remember and enjoy the fun of Christmas as a child. She also mentioned something about a party. Party? I think that sounds like fun. She said we don't get to be there for the parties though 'cause somebody could accidentally leave a door or gate open and then we'd be missing. How do you have a party without us? Celie explained that Christmas is really more special than just trees and Santa and stuff but that for alot of people the joys of getting together and eating, drinking, visiting and all that jazz is a way to celebrate. They did say we get Lots of food before and after the party and that we even get presents for Christmas. Hmm, maybe I can get to like this fat guy afterall.
I might as well try since it doesn't look like he's going away anytime soon!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Madness, More and More MADNESS!

I'm back. Have you missed me? We have so much going on up here each day that I don't always get to write. There are always newcomers you see and we sure do enjoy meeting each and everyone. There's also the trains, the walks, the food, you know the good life! I think I've mentioned how Minmouse is a tough but lovable boss to us all right? She keeps us in line but I have discovered a secret of hers. Now all the others in our group may not know this but in my keen detective skills I have found her out. Everyday at the same exact time Minnie disappears. Not for long, mind you, but I wondered why it was always at the same time. So, I followed her.
Minmouse goes to where the arrivals come in. She sits there and waits everyday. If there is a dog or a cat with nobody to greet them on our side, she brings them back to Fred. I had to ask her why and she said that she waited for somebody to come for her and nobody did and that she never wanted any other pet to feel alone. Wow. My eyes teared over on that one. She said that everyday she goes and checks for more newcomers but also to see if the adoptees in Fred's care now have folks we need to bring back. This explains so much really. There are always cats and dogs coming and going but I never really thought about how they knew to leave. I have to say, I am really impressed and now understand her authority. Wow. I know I said that already.
No wonder Mom was so crazy about her. I asked Minnie and now I join her on her walks sometimes. It's good to know I'm helping. OK...back to the madness.
The house has over the past few days, well weeks actually, turned into something very different.
My Mom and Dad have been working on it day and night and I don't like's less attention to ME and really, it's all about Me ya know? I followed Mom to the bathroom one day and there in the bathtub I was shocked, shocked I tell you. In the tub were hundreds of animals. There were bears, lions, reindeer, cats, dogs, frogs, you name it, they were in the tub. What the heck? All of them were in red and green and had bows and presents. Insanity. We better not have to feed this bunch, we'll go broke. The rooms, one by one were no longer usable. They were filled with trees and animals and all sorts of things...things. I can't figure this out. Dad, well the silly, silly man is back and he's lost his mind altogether. He's in our bonus room and is surrounded by elves. WHAT? I don't even know what elves are but there are nearly 600 of them in here. Some are four feet tall, some are 4 inches tall. They're in the windows, they're hanging from the ceilings, they've got their own train line, (which is, of course red and green, duh), they've got an entire land going on in here. Dad is starting to actually Look like an elf. I just don't get it. The hall bath, which is for guests, well they better not get dirty. The shower/tub is now tree land.
When does this end? I am so overwhelmed by this mass insanity and yet my fellow dog, Celie as well as the cats, well they just continue to do their napping, their eating, all the normal daily things. Do they not realize we are in danger with these folks now? I do not feel safe with a man who thinks he's an elf and a Mom who just keeps on finding more places to put these trees and trinkets. I would call someone but really, would anyone believe me? Sheesh, I'm going to try to sleep...maybe this is a weird dream. One can only hope!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Madness, It's Madness I tell You

I have been feeling quite at home here lately. Winnie and Mickey are now letting me hang out with them. This is big...she's in charge of all that goes on, so now I get to know what's up all the time. They even wave to me from the windows when I'm outside, that's nice don't ya think?
Winnie is so little but sheesh, she's tough on her rules. I've gotten them to talk a bit about know Bubba. Winnie knew him the longest so her insight may help me. It seems his greatness even saved Mickey's life along the way. Great, more heroics. Bubba made it his life's work to keep the cats safe. I didn't make that up, Winnie told me that. So, I guess that's a clue as to my job here, huh? Winnie said Bubba would sleep on the bed with Mom everyday as soon as Dad got up, he'd be right there. OK, I will never get on the bed now. He also loved the couches, limits. I will make my way here with them, I will not do as He did. Anyhow, one of the days we were sitting chatting was interrupted by the sound of a large truck. What in the world is this about? This very large truck pulling into my driveway? Well, it was going to get stranger, that's for sure! The cats and Celie didn't seem surprised by this at all, weird. Then I watched and Dad was the driver. Now Dad is not a trucker ok? What gives? He opened the back of this massive truck and it was loaded, to the tippy top, with stuff. All I could see were boxes and bags and buckets...of stuff. What the heck. He spent hours unloading all this stuff into the garage.
Then it got even weirder...he started to load up the truck with the stuff in the house. Oh my goodness. Is this some strange exercise routine or what? I asked George, Celie, Winnie and
Mickey and they just laughed and said ignore it or you'll go insane. Ignore this? How can I ignore this? Maybe it's a fake Dad who's stealing from us. But then, if he was stealing, why did he bring all these boxes and buckets to us? I just started to get comfy here and now my world is upside down. Nice. Real nice Daddy-O. All of a sudden I'm watching blankets and pillows and rugs on the floor leaving the house. All the pictures are gone too, so are the cookie jars and wait, Lamps too. This really can't be good but Mom isn't stopping him. She seems to be helping. How can this be? I like our stuff. Things just keep getting worse and worse. The plates, the glasses, all the kitchen nik naks...gone. There's even been removal of all the bathroom items. What are they doing? Meantime, Celie and the cats nap on. Are they aware that our world as we know it is leaving? How can they nap? I am having (another) anxiety attack. Great, just great. I need to do something, but what? Do I call the police or a doctor for these two? The madness goes on for eternity. Dad fills this huge truck, drives off. A few hours later he's back...with MORE of this stuff of his. Where is he getting it all anyhow? None of it can fit in the house, of this I am sure.
By now with my nerves shattered, I too am ready to nap. More pass out, but let's call it a nap, ok? It may all be a bad dream, I 'll get up and things will be back to normal. Two hours later I wake up and am alone in the family room. I can hear noise in the living room so wander there.
OK..Now I'm sure they need a doctor. There are trees in the house. Trees do not belong in houses. Trees. The one blocking my lovely view of the street is huge. It's bigger than trees outside for goodness sake. Dad seems quite involved with this tree while Mom is dealing with a tree by the fireplace. What in the world has happened to these two? There are trees, trees, trees.
I wish I knew how to use a phone, I know the commercials say dial 911, but I don't have a clue how to do that. Trees. Madness, madness I tell you.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Cats and Dogs...

Cats are not dogs. I know, you all know that already. But did you realize that there is much discrimination between the 2? Did you know that cats always, always get the preferential treatment. It's wrong,I tell you, it needs be dealt with. How can I back up these remarks you say? OK, let's begin with food. They get these very cute, tiny cans with all sorts of flavors. They can choose from salmon, tuna, trout, turkey, chicken...the list goes on and on. Dogs...we get canned something. Same taste no matter what the name on the ugly, bulky can. Dry foods, same results. On top of all that, they get to eat their food on a lovely placemat, in very cute bowls I might add, and those food bowls are on top of a counter. Celie and I, well we get to eat from our ugly bowls on the floor. It's not right I tell you. We may as well get crumbs off the floor...nasty.
Then there's the fact that cats can cheat and snack on our food (I'm talking to you George!). They come and drink our water. There's no way we can get on the counters to taste test their food.
I think there should be equal rights for both of us. But beyond food there's the other, bigger issue. When a cat goes potty, they have indoor facilities. Celie and I, we go out. Does nobody care that it's pouring rain out there, that there are strong winds out there, that there may be extreme heat out there? Noooo, they don't care. Little kitties get their stuff cleaned up asap and go on their merry way. It's not right, it really isn't. Now, on top of all these there is the lap issue. That's more or less real prejudice rearing it's ugly head. Celie, as a 12lb. furball gets to do laptime whenever she wants. ME? Nope, I get to watch. And there's alot to watch, it's an endless parade to Mom's lap. They take numbers in the morning to schedule the times. Even with that they lay next to her, over her, whatever they want is ok. If I were to lay on her head, gee, how well would that go over huh? It's just wrong. I wanted to file a protest with authorities but not knowing how to read left me limited and George certainly was not going to assist me on this. Maybe I should make him an honorary dog...then he'd help wouldn't he? Hmmm. Dog training George. I'll have to see if CelieNudge will help with this plan.