Sunday, October 30, 2011

The VERY Long Way Home!

I'm back. Lots of fun stuff going on up here. Everyday we get new recruits and show them the ropes and give them the tour. It's fun, it's like seeing it again for the first time every time.
But back to Me...that's what you want to hear about, isn't it? I knew it. I've led a very exciting life...let's get to it.
I went with the nice volunteer to see Vet. I guess he's going to find the broken part and fix it?
I started to say hi...and bam, out like a light. What was that about? When I came to I was quite groggy, dazed and confused almost. Then I heard a voice say, Max, your Mom is here, are you ready to go home? Mom...I have a Mom and a home? This is the bestest day ever huh.
He put me on a leash (I don't like them much) and there was my and forever known to me to be Mom. Two fellows put me in her Jeep. Mom has her arm in this heavy metal brace thing so she can't very well lift me (or the Jeep door even!). We're off. Home, sweet Home. WhiteGold was right, life is good. She was told I was still groggy, and would sleep the whole 25 miles home. Yea, alright, are you kidding me? Sleep...I need to see where and what home is.
So as we started down the road I decided to stand up and stretch. Then I thought it would only be polite to help Mom navigate. She said words like sit, sit, sit Max, Please Sit. I don't know sit from lollipops so I ignored her words. I figured if she wanted to talk I should come up front with her. I could see what she saw that way. Mom didn't seem so happy about that move, I don't know why. I did my best to watch the road, but it wasn't going anywhere...there were more cars than I'd ever seen. I looked back and there were tons more behind us too. So, I took this opportunity to get some air out the window...and the magic window went all the way down so I
could really hang out. I figured I'd get out and check up ahead to see what was holding us up...good idea, or so I thought. The Mom person was not at all happy with me. She grabbed at
my tail, Ow. Then all of a sudden she jumped out of the car and pushed me back in from my window side. Just wanted to help you know. I felt unappreciated at that moment. The cars behind all made lots of noise and were yelling at Mom. I guess the tail pulling was seen by them. I'm sure it wasn't me hanging out on the road was it? So, now here we were, back in the Jeep...we've gone maybe a mile...maybe. Mom had magic powers of her own and locked the windows shut...darn. Too bad there was no air conditioning, like we had at the shelter. It was really, really hot that day. I think it was about an hour or so before we got off the big road that led to
home. We went up this steep hill and then she turned into a driveway....HOME. My home.
WOW. Then she took me out of the car and we went into the backyard. Hey, wait a second...
home, inside right? Why out back? This is not good for a fellow like me. There in the yard were all sorts of people. A party for me? This is cool huh? Celie was there, on a big CelieNudge person's lap. Fred was there too. For some reason, he was afraid of me. I never did find out why. The silly, silly man was there. He'd be Dad. There were others as well. They all said hello Max. It was good. But then, someone said ok, when are we having hot dogs? WHAT? I saw the fire going, but I never thought they'd be cooking dogs. Wait, I went from being a gang dog to being Lunch? This is just not right. Then I saw what smelled like food. Whew, hot dogs is a food, not a me. What a day. I need to never, ever do drugs again even if Vet says I should. I really want to get inside and see my home and nap.

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