Saturday, May 19, 2012

MAX...A Legacy in the Making?

It's me.  Max.  Max is me.  I have internet up here.  In my spare time I was on the internet and found out that the number one (numero uno) name for all dogs for the past ten years is...MAX.  Coincidence?  I think not!  It is obvious to me that once folks saw what a wonderful fellow I was they went to the local
shelters and adopted pups and named them after ME.  Take that Oscar, Bubba, Celie and crew.  Not one of their names made the top ten.  Me, I'm number one.  Now pride is a sin, frowned upon up here, so let's just say I am well pleased to see that I have had such a positive influence on mankind.  Max...just sort of sounds right, don't ya think? 
On another topic however, I am concerned about the 29th this month.  That's pastrami day as you all should know by now.  It's my 'versary, so I get strami.  This month also is the anniversary of Bubbadog's arrival up here.  That always makes for awkward conversation, let alone celebration.  The bigger problem though is the incident at the Hat last month.  I am sure it has Fred  2nd guessing the trip to the Hat.  You see, last month we all took the train there, as usual, but I was really, really hungry.
We were in the drive thru and I just couldn't take it....the aromas from within were overwhelming.  I am a dog afterall...a dog who loves pastrami.  So, OK I did it...I jumped through the window of the train and into the HAT!  Boy were they surprised!  I grabbed all the sandwiches, all the burgers, all the stuff I could and was tossing it to the crew in the train.  Trouble was, I hit the engineer in the head (oops) and
as I did that, he was steering, and well...The HAT go boom!  It was an awful mess, all that food flying around.  People were yelling, Fred was as red in the face as could bad.  But the food was great.  I got back, we drove off and then...and then Minnmouse took over.  Oh boy, you are in serious trouble when she gets like that.  I would have been shaking in my boots if I wore boots.  She gave me such a
speech about the rules, about how we're not even allowed down here and she has to get special permission for all these trips and now I've jeopardized all the future trips...yikes!  Well, it was not a fun  'versary, trust me.  It all worked out.  It always does, hence the reason Minnie is in charge.  The powers that be arranged for it to have never happened, no sign of damage exists at all.  Nobody involved has any memory of our visit.  My belly did/does remember the good food though, so I win!  But it does put my future visits into doubt.  Minmouse wouldn't even discuss them with me today.  So, as of now I must wait and see.  Don't you hate the "wait and see" stuff???

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

It's a GLORIOUS Day in the Neighborhood!

Well, today is a GLORIOUS day in Heaven.  Duh, is that really a shock?   Every time I wake up I hear Fred say, isn't it a Glorious day here?  Seems like the perfect word.  You folks have lovely days, pretty days, happy days, etc...but really, have you ever had one Glorious day?  The sun here doesn't shine, it
radiates!  There's music all the time, perfect music that is.  Fred says so.  I find him and Minnie always listening to the choir of angels. Yes, there really is a choir of angels that sings alot!   Fred loves music.
He's got buddies that come and bring their buddies and instruments, some fellow named Glenn and a band.  That was a fun time.  They come every once in awhile.  It's hard to explain.  I think of things in
days, when I wake up it's a new day.  But Fred and Minmouse never sleep, so they say there aren't really days here at all.  They say, it's all just Glorious!  I smile at the word, we all do.  It may sound corny, but when you get here, you'll smile too!  So, anyhow, back to music.  Fred always whistles, and is always happy to hear music.  He probably should have been in a band huh?  Glenn and his band love him, so do all these other musicians that have come by.  They seem to know he's a music lover.  This new fellow, Levon came by the other day, he was really neat.  They sat and talked for hours.  Fred said he didn't know his music, per se, but after listening to him, was really happy to have met him.  So there's always stuff like that going on for us.  The music folks all love us too!  Well, they do try to keep the cats off the drums and keep us dogs from stealing the drum sticks, but other than that, they seem quite happy to have us with them.  Glorious isn't it?  Anyhow, that's what's been going on with us lately.
I have lots and lots of catching up to do, but then again, I've got all the time in the world,  don't I?  I'm on my way with the crew to our next train ride.  I'll be back!

Did Anybody Miss ME?

Hi Everybody...Anybody? So sorry it's been so long since last I wrote. I could say it's been so busy up here and all that, but well the truth is....I messed up. Yup, it was me. The only reason we have a computer in Heaven is because Minnie has very big connections, the biggest if you get my drift. Anyhow, it was the only one here. One day we all were on a train ride and I was thinking I'd be cool and all and write about our trip while on it. Well, not the best plan I guess. I got sidetracked when I saw The Hat and jumped off the train and bam, there it went. Worse, it got tangled up in my legs and landed under the train. It went kerplooee. It was NOT my best moment. Minmouse said nope, not gonna happen, no more computers. So, everybody was a bit upset with me which is horrible. I mean, it's Heaven, nobody gets upset with anybody and I managed to upset the crew. It was bad, it was very, very bad. Minmouse is tough, but she also has a heart of gold, so eventually she gave in and went to discuss replacing it and, well here I am. So, that's my story on that. Again, sorry!
I'll move on from the Christmas story since that is so last year! After the holidays, Mom and
Dad got the house back as it should be. Things quieted down and I liked that. And then....Mom decided it would be fun to rip the house up. She really should have just changed the channel.
There is a new channel HGTV and she got addicted to it. It made her start rethinking all sorts of things in the house.  Can you say CHAOS?  But I did get to meet some new folks, for better or time.  There are cats breathing down my neck to get back to the group.  See Ya!